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ENGL 108: Introduction to Literary Non-fiction

Introduction to Literary Non-Fiction

ENGL 108: Introduction to Literary Non-fiction


English 12 (with a minimum grade of C+) or English 100 (with a minimum grade of C) or English 101 (with a minimum grade of C)

This course is an introduction to the study of nonfiction prose and to the principles and practice of expository writing. Readings will range from the origins of literary nonfiction (letters and diaries) to modern personal essays to larger works (biography/memoir) by some important writers of the 20th  and 21st centuries. Students will develop a critical understanding of the literary, social, and cultural dimensions and contexts of these various forms of nonfiction writing and will also develop skills in literary analysis, focusing on the communication of this analysis in essay form, while using terminology appropriate to the conventions of the genre.

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