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ENGL 231: Introduction to Dramatic Forms and Conventions

Introduction to Dramatic Forms and Conventions

ENGL 231: Introduction to Dramatic Forms and Conventions


12 credits and English 100 or English 101 and C in one of English 108, English 110, English 121, or English 131

This course is the study of the major dramatic forms of the late nineteenth into the twentieth centuries. Playwrights whose work will be considered include Anton Chekhov, Henrik Ibsen, George Bernard Shaw, Susan Glaspell, Harold Pinter, David Mamet, John Osborne, Tom Stoppard, Tennessee Williams, and Samuel Beckett. The course includes an exploration of the changes in acting, staging techniques and conventions, theatrical architecture, and social content. The course includes theatre-going and film-viewing. Students will demonstrate informed literary analysis and proper use of appropriate terminology through oral presentations and written essays.

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