Things to consider before submitting your special event request:
- Was the event approved by your dean/supervisor?
- Have you decided on a time/location?
- Do you have a plan for your event?
- Will your event cause any disruptions to the normal building operations?
- Will classes have to be moved to accommodate your event?
- Would your event require cleaning (Janitorial Services) after completion?
- Would the building opening hours be affected?
- Would the security guards working hours be affected?
- Are you planning on serving food, drinks, alcohol, and/or handle money?
- If yes, you will be required to provide additional plans for these.
- Are there any risks associated with your event?
- Non-student/non-staff attendees.
- Increased noise levels.
- Intoxicated people if alcohol is served.
- If yes, you will be required to provide additional plans on how you will mitigate these risks.