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ASIA 131: Introduction to Asian Religions

This course introduces the major religious traditions of India, China, Korea, and Japan (including Hindu, Sikh, Jaina, Buddhist, Confucian, Daoist, and Shinto traditions) as well as methodologies for the academic study of religion. Each unit

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ASIA 250: An Introduction to Buddhism

This course introduces the origins, history, and development of Buddhism in Asia and around the world. Students will delve deeper into core concepts of Buddhism, the origins and development of different Buddhist traditions, their spread

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BIOC 201: Fundamentals of Biochemistry

This is an introductory survey course in the fundamentals of biochemistry. The basic structure, function and metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acid will be discussed, as well as basic bioenergetics, and regulation of

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BIOL 105: Environmental Biology and Ecology

This course is designed for non-science majors who are interested in environmental and ecological concepts. This course begins with a description of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment. The interactions of living organisms are

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BIOL 120: Introduction to Biology II

This course is an introduction to biology, with an emphasis on biochemistry, anatomy and physiology. Human biochemistry, anatomy and physiology will be compared to that of plants and other animals, from a systems biology perspective.

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BIOL 130: Anatomy and Physiology I

This course is an introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, covering basic cell biology and histology, as well as an introduction to the structure and function of the human muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, respiratory, urinary,

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BIOL 200: Cell Biology

This is a survey course on cell structure and function with discussions on the structure and function of the nucleus, eukaryotic organelles, the plasma membrane and cytoskeleton. Cellular processes such as DNA replication, transcription, translation,

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BIOL 205: Introduction to Microbiology

This course provides an introduction to the fields of bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology. Topics include microbial morphology and classification of important bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses, with representative examples of each. Microbial metabolism, growth

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BIOL 234: Fundamentals of Genetics

This course is an introduction to molecular and classical genetics. Topics include the structure and function of nucleic acids, linkage mapping and pedigree analysis, two gene interactions (codominance, epistasis etc.), gene regulation in prokaryotes and

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BUSN 250: Introduction to Marketing

Students will learn how to develop their own Marketing Plan. This course introduces the students to the basic concepts, terms, functions, and practices of marketing. The course provides a general knowledge of marketing including marketing

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BUSN 272: Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behavour is for everyone; you do not have to be business student to take it. This course will help you understand individual and group behaviours in organizations. It also helps you learn about your

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